How do I request something the library doesn't own?


The best way to request an item the library doesn't own is by using our interlibrary loan system.

The easiest way to place a request is to search our catalog to find the item you'd like, then click the Request Via Interlibrary Loan button, like this:Request item from Interlibrary Loan

This will take you to a log in screen. Note that if you've never requested anything from Interlibrary Loan, you'll need to create an account first. You'll need to use your Sweet Briar email address to create the account.

By finding the item in the catalog first, all the fields to request the book, book chapter, or article will be auto-populated.

If you cannot find what you need in our catalog, you can still request the item! Simply click here to access the default request form. Note that you'll need to complete the title, author, pages, etc so we know what to request for you. The more information you give us, the better!

For questions about interlibrary loan, please chat with us or email 


  • Last Updated Sep 07, 2020
  • Views 193
  • Answered By Lore Guilmartin

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